MTV Roadies 20 Contestants List: MTV Roadies, the iconic reality show that has been thrilling audiences for two decades, is back with its 20th season, aptly titled ‘Double Cross.’ This season promises to be a rollercoaster ride of adventure, challenges, and unexpected twists, with a diverse group of contestants vying for the coveted title of Roadie.
Meet the MTV Roadies 20 Contestants:
- Ayush Rai: A fitness enthusiast and a strong contender, Ayush is known for his determination and competitive spirit.
- Mannu Chaudhary: A confident and charismatic personality, Mannu is ready to take on any challenge that comes his way.
- Deekila Sherpa: A mountaineer and adventurer, Deekila brings his rugged charm and physical prowess to the show.
- Manmeet Singh: A passionate dancer and performer, Manmeet is all set to entertain and impress the judges.
- Nishi Tanwar: A strong-willed and independent woman, Nishi is not afraid to speak her mind.
- Valence Kundra: A fitness enthusiast and a social media influencer, Valence is known for his stylish looks and charming personality.
- Devanshi Sharma: A talented singer and dancer, Devanshi is ready to showcase her skills on the Roadies stage.
- Kushal Tanwar: A determined and focused individual, Kushal is ready to give his all to win the title.
- Priya Judoka: A skilled judoka and a fitness enthusiast, Priya is a force to be reckoned with.
- Yogesh Rawat: A passionate traveler and adventurer, Yogesh is ready to explore new horizons.
- Rohit Singh: A confident and charismatic personality, Rohit is all set to make his mark on the show.
- Shashwat Srivastava: A talented musician and singer-songwriter, Shashwat is ready to showcase his artistic abilities.
- Divya and Divyanshi Satjia: Twin sisters who are ready to take on the challenges together.
- Vinod Bhatt: A strong and determined individual, Vinod is ready to fight for his place in the competition.
- Rikjom Lollen: A fitness enthusiast and a social media influencer, Rikjom is known for his stylish looks and charming personality.
- Suruchi Mittal: A confident and ambitious woman, Suruchi is ready to take on any challenge that comes her way.
- Shubhangi Jaiswal: A talented dancer and performer, Shubhangi is all set to entertain and impress the judges.
- Hartaj Veer Singh Gill: A strong and determined individual, Hartaj is ready to fight for his place in the competition.
- Simran Behl: A confident and charismatic personality, Simran is all set to make her mark on the show.
- Gunjan Sharma: A talented singer and dancer, Gunjan is ready to showcase her skills on the Roadies stage.
- Harsh Arora: A determined and focused individual, Harsh is ready to give his all to win the title.
- Akash Thapa: A strong and determined individual, Akash is ready to fight for his place in the competition.
With such a diverse and talented group of contestants, Roadies 20 promises to be an exciting and unforgettable season. Stay tuned to MTV for all the action and drama.